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Take Our Reader Survey

Tell us how you keep up with The Friendship Center, what topics you're interested in learning more about, and anything you'd like us to consider exploring in the future.

We're constantly cooking up new ideas for informative and engaging content that helps you, our readers, understand the nature of domestic and sexual violence, its complex causes, the many other issues it intersects with, and what we as communities can do to stand with survivors as we work to eliminate violence. To help us continue improving and expanding our approach to sharing stories and information, we'd love to hear from you!

Open now, our reader survey is a way for you to let us know how you keep with The Friendship Center, what topics you're interested in learning more about, and anything you'd like us to consider exploring in the future. In addition to areas of our work you'd like to hear more about, we'd love to know if you've come across anything we've shared in the past that has been especially useful or eye-opening.

All survey questions are optional, and it only takes a few minutes to share your thoughts. We deeply appreciate input from all who share our passion for learning about the lived experiences of survivors, and shining a light on the role we can all play in building thriving communities free from violence.

You can respond using the version embedded or use the button below to open the survey in a new tab.



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