Our team regularly presents on a variety of topics designed to educate people at every age and learning level about their role in preventing abuse and promoting healthy relationships.
Below are some topics we get asked to present about most often, but the list is not exhaustive!
If you’re interested in learning about other key issues related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Is there something you'd like to learn about as part of a class, community group, or event? Contact us to learn more about our education services or request a speaker.
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Presentations & Curriculum
Workplace Wellness
Do you have a wellness program through your business or employer? Our education content makes great workshops and presentations for wellness initiatives and your employer may have funding/stipends available for your team to learn about any of the topics below, and how they intersect with community health. Ask your health insurance provider or employee benefits administrator about wellness programs in your workplace.

General Community
Content for any audience
Culture of Abuse (90 minutes – 3 hours)
Learn about the culture of abuse we live in and the tools everyone can use to prevent violence. This presentation can be adapted for any audience and includes multiple activities.
Participants will:
Understand overlapping kinds of violence, what prevention is, and how to challenge behaviors that contribute to abuse culture
Be able to recognize stalking behaviors and pervasive aspects of abuse culture (i.e., glamorization of male-perpetrated violence, harmful gender stereotypes/victim blaming, normalization of violence against women, enforcement of rigid gender roles, casual use of violent language)
Learn how to support survivors
Violence Against Women: A Men’s Issue (60 - 90 minutes)
Typically offered to male athletes but appropriate for any audience, this presentation invites men to take a leading role in ending violence against women.
Participants will:
Understand why men should care about violence against women
Be introduced to awareness activities and a real man/strong man exercise
Recognize common aspects of abuse culture and how to challenge behaviors that contribute to it
Discuss leadership and dominant stories of prevention

Teens & Older
Content developed for young adults and appropriate for ages 18+
Relationship "Green Flags" (~1 hour)
Learn about the elements and behaviors present in healthy relationships and understand red flags vs. green flags. This presentation introduces the concepts of the relationship spectrum, consent, ​and relationship rights and responsibilities.
Participants will:
Be able to recognize potential abusive and healthy partners
Build skills and awareness for participating in healthy relationships
Learn about The Friendship's Center's free, confidential services
Sexual Assault Myths & Realities (~1 hour)
Learn some of the common myths surrounding sexual assault. This presentation introduces the concepts of abuse culture, bystander intervention, red flags, consent, and how to support survivors.
Participants will:
Learn the legal definitions of sexual assault, rape, and consent
Understand red flags and perpetrator behavior
Receive accurate information about the nature of sexual violence
Be more informed and effective bystanders, community members, and support people for survivors
This presentation also offers validation, information, and additional resources to any survivors in audience.
LGBTQ+ Considerations for DVSA (~1 hour)
Learn how high rates of violence and trauma in the LGBTQ+ community intersect with increased risk of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Participants will:
Learn about sexual and intimate partner violence within this vulnerable demographic
Understand some of the barriers to accessing legal remedies and support
Be more informed and effective bystanders, community members, and support people for survivors
Discuss internal and external biases
This presentation also offers resources, support, and help accessing specialized info for any LGBTQ+ audience members.
Healthy Relationships (45-90 minutes)
This presentation builds awareness, explains how domestic/dating violence is more than physical abuse, and offers tips for supporting a loved one who may have experienced abuse. Learn how to challenge misconceptions about stalking, victim-blaming language, and behaviors that can cause harm. This content is typically offered to high school students but can be adapted for any audience.
Participants will:
Learn what makes a healthy relationship and how to challenge harmful behaviors
Recognize different types of abuse
Be introduced to the Power and Control Wheel and the different stages of the cycle of violence
Be able to define stalking, sexual violence, and consent
Learn how to support survivors

College Community
Content developed for college students, athletes, staff, and faculty
DVSA Basics for Students (~1-2 hours)
Designed for incoming Carroll College freshman, this presentation gives students an overview of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking as well as TFC's services and partnership with Carroll College​.
Participants will:
Learn how to recognize healthy and abusive behaviors in intimate partners and other relationships
Build skills to participate in healthy relationships
Address biases and misinformation to reduce barriers
Understand how to help a friend/loved one
Know where to find basic information and resources to empower survivors and inform supporters
Training for RA/Peer Ministers (~1 hour)
Designed for students who live in residence halls and act as peer mentors, this training gives students and overview of:
TFC's services and partnership with Carroll College
Domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
Mandated reporting rules and confidentiality
Participants will:
Learn about resources and how to support students experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
Learn how to talk to and work with victims of interpersonal violence and trauma in order to reduce further harm
Be aware of resources on and off campus for safety and crisis situations that may arise with peers
DVSA & Healthcare for Nursing Students (~2 hours)
Designed for nursing students, this presentation gives future healthcare providers an overview of:
The signs of domestic violence and sexual assault
Safety considerations, patient screening, lethality assessment
How to help and support survivors
Special considerations for emergency room workers
Participants will:
Gain basic knowledge of dynamics and barriers to getting help
Understand the importance of confidentiality and safety precautions
Learn how to find help for survivors and offer continued support
Be able to recognize hidden signs of DVSA
Learn how to treat survivors with dignity and respect
Understand how to address medical/safety concerns that traditional assessments might not reveal
Athletes As Leaders (10 sessions)
This gender-inclusive program for young female-identified athletes encourages teams to be leaders in creating a culture of safety and respect in school and the community. Learn more about Athletes as Leaders.​
Coaching Boys Into Men (12 sessions)
A program of Futures Without Violence, this evidence-based violence prevention program for young male athletes trains and motivates coaches to help athletes understand healthy relationship skills, mental health practices, and that violence never equals strength. Learn more about Coaching Boys Into Men.​

Advocates & Service Providers
Content developed for advocates, service providers, and caregivers
Basics of Domestic Violence (2-3 hours)
Designed for Head Start family advocates and home visitor staff but relevant for any advocates working in child development and parent support services, this presentation covers the basics of domestic violence and issues specific to kids.
Participants will:​
Learn how exposure to domestic and family violence impacts children
Understand safety and confidentiality considerations for survivors and as well as onsite and home visit staff
Learn about resources and community support for survivors and their children
Learn about addressing concerns of abuse in the home
Understand how to support survivors as they face barriers and navigate the impact of trauma
Advocate Training (2 - 4 hours)
This training is designed to educate anyone who may be in a position to assist survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This may include professional advocates, volunteer advocates, faith leaders, or professionals who work in fields likely to interact with survivors (i.e., state employees, nonprofit organizations, counselors, healthcare professionals, etc.).
Participants will:
Be introduced to the Power and Control Wheel and the different stages of the cycle of violence
Understand why people stay in abusive relationships and be able to challenge victim-blaming language/behavior
Learn about rape myths and drug-facilitated sexual assault
Learn about strangulation and other lethality risk factors
Understand different victim responses to trauma
Learn about empathetic listening and how to talk to and support survivors in a trauma-informed way
Abuse in Late Life (45 - 90 minutes)
This presentation is for anyone who may work with older adults. It builds awareness and provides tools to assist older adults who may be experiencing abuse.
Participants will:​
Understand the basics of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
Be introduced to the Power and Control Wheel and the different stages of the cycle of violence
Be able to recognize indicators of abuse and perpetrator behaviors
Learn how the vulnerabilities of older adults intersect with increased risk of abuse
Learn about safety planning
Know where to find basic information and resources to empower survivors and inform supporters